Monday, March 28, 2011

even if you didn't show it , even if you try hard to conceal it ,
you're worn out ( i mean me also , don't get distracted )
it's showing , whether through your weary smile , or the extinguished light in your eyes , or this weak tone of your voice
you're not you , you're the shadowy , pale version of you , the palest color of your colors
and it's turning to be a trend nowadays
we're definitely the saddest generation ever existed on earth ,
we think we have it all , but somehow we're losing it all
we're materializing our nature , we're been cut to sizes , heated , boiled , pressed , packed in boxes
we're adding stress and pressure on every little detail , to make it faster , to make it better , to make it now
every real human detail , is put aside and getting smaller and insignificant , like an appendix or a rudimentary tail
it's scary and increasing , and i don't want to be there when it reaches the peak

1 comment:

  1. we're materializing our nature , we're been cut to sizes , heated , boiled , pressed , packed in boxes
    we're adding stress and pressure on every little detail , to make it faster , to make it better , to make it now
    every real human detail , is put aside and getting smaller and insignificant , like an appendix or a rudimentary tail

    كلامك فكرني بكلام د.عبد الوهاب المسيري في الجزء الأول من المجلدين بتوع العلمانية الجزئية والعلمانية الشاملة
    إلى الأمااااااااااااااام
